Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Goodbye 2013, Welcome 2014!

Alhamdulillah gak berasa aku berhasil melewati tahun 2013 dengan baik. Wuuuff... banyak banget kejadian yang gak pernah aku bayangin bakal terjadi dalam hidup aku di tahun ini. Banyak yang benci angka 13, sehingga banyak yang takut menjalani apapun di tahun 2013 ini. Tapi, nyata fine2 aja tuh. Mungkin buat aku emang rada sial sih. Banyak aja kejadian yang bener2 merubah arah hidup aku. Mulai dari pindah kuliah, kudu beradaptasi di lingkungan baru lagi (aaaanndd.... it turns out goes pretty well. I'm so excited with my new place) everything that i've never been thinkin of was lead me... well, to something that i ever dreamed a dream about. Learn English and writing!!

Gak nyangka juga kalo bahasa Inggris nantinya bakal jadi hal yang menarik perhatian aku. Soalnya kalo ingat jaman kecil pertama kali kenal dengan bahasa Inggris itu ya lucu juga, sih!

Gimana enggak, jaman SD  belum ada namanya mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Baru jaman gue kelas 4 SD aja baru ada. Sekarang playgroup aja udah di wajibin kali di Indonesia saking perkembangan internasional dan Globalisasi.

Aniwei, ceritanya pertama kenal bahasa ini tuh pas itu gue kelas 2 mau kelas 3 SD, terus liburan semester. Jaman gitu hidup gue masih di kuasain nenek sihir a.k.a emakku. And my life is full throttle, banyaaaaaaakkk banget di kasih les. Mulai renang, vokal, main organ, sempoa, tari tradisional, dan di tambahlah les bejibun dalam seminggu itu dengan LES BAHASA INGGRIS. Yep, capslock gue mulai jebol. Just wanna emphasize on that words a lil' bit to get u the picture of the horror of it.

Why i say Horror? Well, that was exactly how I felt about it during those times. Bahasa Inggris buat aku dulu adalah bahasa yang gak penting. Wong kite tinggal di Indonesia kok di suruh2 belajar bahasa penjajah. Gitu pikirku. (You can tell how AROGANT i was on those time of my life)
Jadi pas hari pertama les, jadilah aku berusaha kabur pas di antar emak ke kelas les. And guess what. Terjadilah tarik menarik antara aku dan emak. Lucu banget kalo di inget ^_^ anak kecil banget deh dulu (emang masih kecil kok. Anak kecil terperangkap dalam tubuh besar  tapi)

Oiya, I also want to welcoming 2 series that i currently crazy about!  Sherlock series 3 is just start and almost finish by the time i write this (2 episode had been aired. One more to go) T!T yeaaah.. it's crazy how the two previous series and last 2 new episode had plays with my feels these years.

And the 2nd iiiiissss... Doctor Who. This one is the longest sci fi tv series ever run.. and it's been bloody awesome so far. Belum pernah nonton yang classic doctor series sih. Tapi, lewat beberapa clip aja aku udah suka banget ama 3rd and 4th doctor. Jon Pertwee and Tom baker era is looks amazing! Love them so much.

And with the new doctor, i dunno maan.... i really freaking love him! Padahal baru di di layar kurang lebih 30 detik kali total. Tapi, holyshit i have a really good felling about Peter Capaldi's Doctor. Those eyebrow, maaan.. he's older that matt smith but he had this doctorish charisma that i only see in classic doctors. No effence to david tennant and matt smith era. But, to be honest i don't really fond of their doctor's. David is damn good actor, but he's not a really good doctor for me, as well as matt smith's. (I'm sorry guys. It just my opinion.) I can't really make them grows inside of me. But, Capaldi! Damn.. he's just have that doctorish face and his performance in 50th anniversary and christmas special was already craving in my heart.

And, today! His first photo filming series 8 just release and he's looking hella fine! I'm so excited... ^_^

So, hereby I officially welcoming new year, new me, and Peter Capaldi!
Hope this year will be great, and god, thanks for everything you have given me all of my life.

And, Good luck to Capaldi!

♥With Love♥